Ethereum Community Series : Vitalik Buterin


Hi,Welcome to conversation three in the Ethereum Community Series, today with u/vbuterin! If you’re new to this, please check out earlier conversations with jtnichol and Ameen Soleimani.

Thank you all for the 150+ questions and I’m sorry if yours didn’t make the cut. (Please make sure to listen to the entire conversation, there’s a good chance your question actually did get answered. I would also recommend listeners or viewers to check Vitalik’s recent talk with Laura Shin, Into the Ether, and his talks with Dimitri from Hidden Forces and Tyler from Conversations with Tyler.)

Link to YouTube: to MP3: to RSS:

Please note that I grouped the questions into five categories: Intro, General, General Ethereum, Technical Ethereum and Closing Questions. Please click the category to go to the YouTube-timestamp. Also, I tried to tag everyone that submitted questions but I might’ve lumped some together and thus might have tagged the wrong person, whoops!

I did my best to ask the questions more or less chronologically.


  • Can you share a little bit about the place where you’re sitting right now?* Who are you and what are your interests? What is your background?* What, if anything, did you study?* Who do you look up to, and if it’s nobody in particular, where do you go for advice?* Where can people learn more about you? (blog, youtube channel, twitter?)


  • You’re incredibly gracious on Twitter. How do you manage to stay calm in the face of trolling, ignorance, and tribalism? u/reterical* What do you think about the crypto-space as a whole? For me it seems that there are a lot of different bubbles with maximalists who want their own technology/coin not only to succeed but others also to fail. Do you share their opinion that one day there will be one superior coin/blockchain or is there enough space for different blockchains and technologies? u/spcialx* You and Glen Weyl say that the crypto community is a great testing ground for Radical Market ideas such as quadratic voting and Harberger taxes. Blockchain projects are in need of better rules, and the communities are generally more receptive to trying out radical changes and games. If these ideas are successful, how do you see them being transitioned from the blockchain space into the “real world?” Do you foresee incumbents of the current systems rejecting these ideas out of fear of losing their own power and property? How might a righteous idea overcome these rejections?

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