Bits & Pretzels Podcast : Bits & Pretzels #5 Drew Houston: How the Dropbox CEO stopped his burnout

Drew Houston about working less, “No-Meeting-Wednesdays” and his 90s cover band
Drew Houston, co-founder of Dropbox, talks about why while building one of the most popular productivity apps on the internet he got really frustrated with his lack of performance as CEO and how being available 24/7 contributes to an “epidemic of burnout”. He also talks about his evolution as an entrepreneur, how reading helped him becoming a better CEO and his invention – the “No-Meeting-Wednesday”.

Houston started Dropbox at the age of 24 while still a student at MIT. He also gives us an insight into his private life, speaks about his “first love” and his hobbies like playing in a 90ies cover band.

Hosts: Britta Weddeling (@bweddeling), Editor-in-Chief of Bits & Pretzels (@bitsandpretzels)

Featuring: Drew Houston (@drewhouston), co-founder Dropbox

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